Resident Spotlight: Jackie Garcia

Living at Cityplace for less than 3 years, Jackie Garcia has met her closest friends and learned to love the Downtown Allentown community!

Name: Jacqueline Garcia

Location: Cityplace North

Years/Months Lived at Cityplace: 2 years 5 months

Why make Downtown Allentown home? Because of the diversity. There were new luxurious apartments coming to an area that has so much potential. I wanted to be part of a community that is being built and help build it.

How did you hear about Downtown Allentown? My friend Mabel lives in 520 Lofts. She told me about Cityplace opening.

Compared to other places you’ve lived, what makes Cityplace unique? What makes my place better is our two gyms, office space, and how united my neighbors are. We also have a wellness center, a pet spa, etc.

Why did you want to move Downtown? Because of the location and amenities. My friends and my community are what keep me downtown.

What was the deciding factor that made you choose Cityplace as your new home? At the moment COVID was VERY active. I signed my lease during the pandemic. Cityplace had the most information without having to say much. Leasing managers helped me with my first apartment!

What’s your favorite memory so far since you’ve moved to Downtown Allentown? When we had a Friendsgiving in November of 2020. I finally met a lot of the neighbors I had spent weeks talking to via Facebook messenger on our group chat. It felt like home.

You have friends from out of town visiting—where are the best spots to take them to show off Downtown Allentown? I actually just had my best friend visit me this weekend. I will HANDS DOWN take ANYONE to Sports & Social. Now if a person is looking for good beer – BruDaddy’s. They have such great options for beer.

What is one thing you love the most about living in Downtown Allentown? I love the diversity. I love the food options, the bars, the crowds, my neighbors, my options, the easy accessibility to places.

How did you make your apartment home? By filling it with plants (47 to be exact), my dogs, my friends, and my own interior designing.

How would you describe your decorating style? “Modern” or “masculine” (black, greys, white)

What’s the weirdest item you own in your apartment? It has to be my weird collection of Harry Potter items. I have wands, teddy bears, etc. They are hidden away from the eyes of visitors haha.

Name one item you always have in your fridge or pantry. Champagne! And pasta or oatmeal.

One app must go: Instagram or TikTok. Instagram. It’s just pictures and memes. They both serve the same purpose but something about TikTok keeps me more engaged.

What’s the most Insta-worthy amenity space in your building? It would have to be The Hub.

What do you want other people to know about living in Downtown Allentown? It is fun, vibrant, and new. I was so nervous moving alone. I previously had a partner, so I had someone to speak to. Living downtown I’ve met my closest friends, I learned about the community, learned new places, and met great people!

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