Introduction to Mindfulness Class
Residents can enjoy the first class of a four-part series this fall on Tuesday, September 10, from 6:30-7:30 p.m., covering a variety of mindfulness topics from Lehigh Valley Health Network’s Center for Mindfulness.
In this 45-to-60-minute mindfulness session, you will experience mindfulness meditation, have an opportunity to share your experiences, and learn ways to bring mindfulness into your daily lives to help boost cognitive skills, reduce stress, and emphasize wellness.
What is mindfulness? Mindfulness is a universal human capacity to utilize our full attention in the present moment by adopting an attitude of curiosity, openness, and receptivity.
How can mindfulness benefit you? Mindfulness benefits include supporting health and well-being, facilitating coping, reducing burnout, and enhancing communication.
Upcoming classes include:
Tuesday, October 8: Introduction to Mindfulness and Self-Compassion
Tuesday, November 12: Introduction to Mindful Communication
Tuesday, December 10: Introduction to Mindful Eating